Monday 27 June 2011

The Impossible Made Possible

I'm sorry, I know I stole that from the Coke Zero adverts but it's catchy and well...I like it. Any how, this is how to make the impossible....possible. Now look at these two words, I'll even make the bold to point it out IMPOSSIBLE & POSSIBLE, what's standing in the way of 'Impossible' becoming 'Possible'...I'll give you a second to work this out.

Got it yet? No. Okay the only thing standing in the way of 'Impossible' becoming 'Possible' is 'Im' or I'm...yes that's right, it's you, you're what's stopping the impossible becoming possible. Now please don't get offended by that and leave the page and never visit again. But I mean it, the only person that can stop impossible things in your life becoming possible yourself.

People always see the impossible as something that is just too far away and cannot be achieved. And you know what, if you keep thinking like that it always will be too far away, you'll never reach it. But imagine it, the impossible things in your life, a house, a car, that dream job or even those dream grades in exams, sat there in front of you. They can be there if you set your mind to it.

Now I'm not saying you're going to get all that stuff by just the right mindset. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to achieve those dreams and impossibilities. But you put in the work and you keep focused, you'll get there, and you'll love it when you're there.

A good friend of mine Ben Tarbuck said to me a few years ago "Aaron, a few years down the line, you'll be in a place that you'd never think you'd be in. You just have to work at it." and you know what...I look back now and think 'How on earth have I gotten here?'

Don't stop the impossible becoming possible

(@Mr_Aaron_B Twitter)

Thursday 23 June 2011

Running With The Giants - Noah

Right as I said this is based on the book 'Running With The Giants' by John C. Maxwell...I've only had the book two days and I am already though most of it but I want to share with you what I learnt from it chapter by chapter.

So here goes the first chapter and it began to talk about what Noah did with the ark and what not. When you actually look deeper into what the bible says about the story you begin to realise how pivotal Noah's life actually was...I mean come on he saved the human race from extinction, the guy single handedly saved humanity.

What I learned from Noah after reading it in the bible also is that one person really can make a difference no matter what age, Noah was over 600 years old when God told him to build the ark. 600 years old, that's gotta be one frail old man and he's building one of the biggest constructions in ancient history, enough to fit a pair of every land dwelling animal  in existence. Now I know what your thinking ' Dat one BIG boat' ...yes it was...huge in fact. But what it did show is that Noah had a conviction to do what had been set out for him, he'd been told what to do and with faith and conviction he did it.

Although the story of Noah is fading in modern day society, what he achieved will affect the human race forever, he changed the course of history and he was just one man, never feel disheartened and think that you are only one person and you can't achieve anything. Noah did and so can you.

(Twitter @Mr_Aaron_B )

Saturday 18 June 2011

Running With The Giants

So this is the start of a new series of blog posts inspired and based on a book by John C. Maxwell entitled 'Running With The Giants' hence the blog title. The book is about what we can learn from the heroes of the old testament. So I'll be sharing with you what I've learnt from the book.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Social media and you.

Those who know me will know that I love facts. So as I'm talking about social media, here are a few.

Facebook has over 500 million active users world wide.
And each user has on average 130 friends and produces around 90 pieces of content a month.
Facebook also has over 30 million active users in the UK alone, that's half of the population.
And people spend over 700 billion minutes on Facebook each month which works out at 1.3 million years a month.
Twitter currently has 106 million users worldwide and that number increases by around 300,000 each day.

So I guess what you get from all that is that social media is powerful.

What I'm going to talk about in this post is how to use your social media for the good not the bad.
I currently manage 7 groups on Facebook, and 4 accounts on Twitter and on each of those groups and accounts you'll never see one bit of negativity, toward people or towards myself.

The social media is such a big tool, use it in the right way and you can open so many doors and create a world of opportunities. But use it in the wrong way and you can land yourself in a heap of trouble, you only have to turn on your TV so see Jeremy Kyle having people shout at him 'she said this on facebook' or 'he liked this' or even look at the news where recently people have been jailed and fired because of the things they post.

The entertainment media has a strong influence on the social media, especially on the users. People are told not to take rubbish from people, which is fair enough, but just because someone says something about you or does something to you doesn't mean you should go and start ripping into them on the sites, that's not why they were created.

I guess what I'm trying to put across is that if you do use social media, use it for the positive, but use it throughout everything you use. Don't go on Twitter and be all positive and wise then go on Facebook and rip into people and claim that it's different...because it isn't...negativity is still negativity.

Social media was created for people to connect and talk from all corners on the earth as if they were sat across the room, it wasn't made for people to moan, cry and whinge about other people. We were all put on this earth for a positive reason, don't be the one to ruin that.

If you want some good examples of people who do nothing but spread positivity follow these guys on Twitter @Mr_Aaron_B @dannywith @davebelfield @bentarbuck @sjonesuk they know how it's done

Keep it real and keep it positive.

(@Mr_Aaron_B Twitter)

Friday 20 May 2011

A new way forward - Change your family

So, I've been asked too write about changing your family for the better, and being the pioneer in your family, well, that's what i plan too do. First, we need to know what being a Pioneer is...So here goes.
My View on being a Pioneer is being a Leader, someone who points people in the right direction, personally, I think that's great, being able too show lead someone and be able too be there guide. Anybody can be your Pioneer, but you want someone you can trust, someone you can rely on. You want someone who can lead you. We all have that potential in us, but we need too let it out, to prove it too someone.
Now Leading your Family, it's always difficult too lead someone in a completely different direction too the way they were going. I think that you should just be there, no matter how difficult the situation is, It's hard, nobody said it'd be easy, but it's a commitment you've made, and I guess, it's one you can't just put down and just pick up were you left off.
Now, putting them both together, well that's the tricky bit...But..It's not impossible, you can do it. I have, well, I'm trying to. I think really that we need to believe that we can do it. Not just think we can. I remember one of my friends told me once, "What mind thinks thinks, your body will follow" But really, I disagree with this. I think it is "What your Heart believes your mind will follow."
Don't be scared to make the change.
(Twitter @Nikitaa_Marie)

Wednesday 11 May 2011

A new way forward - What's your mentality?

Before you carry on reading watch this video the rest of this post is going to be based around it.

Watched it? Good. This whole post is based around this video.
A quote from the video says this 'It ain't about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward' 'That's how winning is done'. In that quote is the mentality of a pioneer, no matter how hard things get, you keep going, you don't stop, you look to the future and you taste the reward at the end and you get up and keep going.

That mentality is a winning mentality it'll take you forward. I'm not saying your going to develop that mentality overnight (you might do I don't know), it takes time to develop a mentality, you have to work it into our daily life, make it who you are.

There's always a big thing around mentality and it seems to be that our generation and our nation has the mentality of 'it's only going to get worse, so what's the point' that's the sort of thing talked about in the video, that is the mentality that life craves, you allow life to beat you down and keep you there. You develop the victim mentality, you begin to think ' I've had the worst done to me why should I keep going' but that's the entire reason to keep going, you've had the worst done to you.

A big part of the mentality of a pioneer is that winning bounce back mentality. Richard Branson for example suffered from dyslexia and dropped out of high school at sixteen with poor academic results. But did he let any of this stop him, not a chance he bounced back and started a business at sixteen which lead to the empire that is Virgin and has made him the 5th richest man in the UK. He saw his future, had the mentality to do and went out and got it.

As I wrap up this rather short post as I wanted the video to do the talking. All I wanted to say is that the right mentality will take you anywhere.

Thanks for reading

(Twitter @Mr_Aaron_B)

P.S. Look out for posts from new bloggers coming soon, they'll be continuing this 'A new way forward' topic so keep your eyes peeled.

Friday 6 May 2011

A new way forward - Change your school.

School's we all hate them one way and love them in another. However you see school there is no doubt what so ever that they are essential. The doctor that finds the cure to cancer, the engineer that pushes the boundaries of travel, the political leader that brings about world peace are in or will be in schools across the world.

You may be thinking ' if school has got all these great future people in it, why do we need to change it?' well the answer to that is simple, the potential is there, but the way this generation is heading that potential will never be released, we'll never be the generation we're called to be. In the bible it states that if we do not fulfil the calling God has given us, we will be replaced. I don't know about you but I don't want to be replaced, I want to fulfil my purpose set out for me.

Schools are where dreams are made, planned out, set into motion. It seemed to me at my time in high school that everyone had their dream job, house, car, wife set out, they seemed to have it all figured out. And then you had me, sat there just plodding along through my time at school, not making a difference, I didn't have a dream job, I knew what I would be interested in doing but never thought I'd ever be able to get anywhere near it. All in all I felt kinda hopeless in high school, people didn't know the true me and made things up to hide it (I was hiding being a christian just for clarity). And I guess for quite a while after leaving school I still thought of my dream/ would love to do job too far away and it was only after I'd had a good chat with a friend of mine that I decided to go for it and it was all because he said 'What good is dreaming if they're too far away'

So now lets get to it. Why change your school? well that's up to you really but if you think about it this way, all those influential people sat in school it's a perfect opportunity to be a pioneer, all pioneers start by learning, if you read the last post I explained that pioneers don't just think of a new way out of the blue it's put together over a period of time from teachings by leaders. I guess what I'm basically trying to say is that there are pioneers in your school and you are one of them, your called to forge new grounds for people to follow.

Being a pioneer doesn't necessarily mean your a leader, pioneers have forged a new way and it has been years before anyone has taken that path but don't let that discourage you, just because no one is following you now doesn't mean they won't. Leadership develops over time and comes with maturity.

I guess what I'm trying to say as I rap this up is that you need to make a new way in your school, college or university, you need to bring change and release the true potential in our generation.

Thanks for reading

(Twitter: @Mr_Aaron_B)

P.S. New Generation are an amazing group dedicated to help bringing change to schools through you. Take a look on their website or check them out on Facebook or Twitter. @NewGenerationUK!/group.php?gid=2220179092

Also don't forget to check out another of my blogs your just gonna be stoked about it.

One more thing, I'd like to give a massive shout out to my good friend Nikita Withington who's rather ill at the moment but still determined to champion a new way in her school...keep it up Lil sis.