Thursday 23 June 2011

Running With The Giants - Noah

Right as I said this is based on the book 'Running With The Giants' by John C. Maxwell...I've only had the book two days and I am already though most of it but I want to share with you what I learnt from it chapter by chapter.

So here goes the first chapter and it began to talk about what Noah did with the ark and what not. When you actually look deeper into what the bible says about the story you begin to realise how pivotal Noah's life actually was...I mean come on he saved the human race from extinction, the guy single handedly saved humanity.

What I learned from Noah after reading it in the bible also is that one person really can make a difference no matter what age, Noah was over 600 years old when God told him to build the ark. 600 years old, that's gotta be one frail old man and he's building one of the biggest constructions in ancient history, enough to fit a pair of every land dwelling animal  in existence. Now I know what your thinking ' Dat one BIG boat' ...yes it was...huge in fact. But what it did show is that Noah had a conviction to do what had been set out for him, he'd been told what to do and with faith and conviction he did it.

Although the story of Noah is fading in modern day society, what he achieved will affect the human race forever, he changed the course of history and he was just one man, never feel disheartened and think that you are only one person and you can't achieve anything. Noah did and so can you.

(Twitter @Mr_Aaron_B )