Monday 27 June 2011

The Impossible Made Possible

I'm sorry, I know I stole that from the Coke Zero adverts but it's catchy and well...I like it. Any how, this is how to make the impossible....possible. Now look at these two words, I'll even make the bold to point it out IMPOSSIBLE & POSSIBLE, what's standing in the way of 'Impossible' becoming 'Possible'...I'll give you a second to work this out.

Got it yet? No. Okay the only thing standing in the way of 'Impossible' becoming 'Possible' is 'Im' or I'm...yes that's right, it's you, you're what's stopping the impossible becoming possible. Now please don't get offended by that and leave the page and never visit again. But I mean it, the only person that can stop impossible things in your life becoming possible yourself.

People always see the impossible as something that is just too far away and cannot be achieved. And you know what, if you keep thinking like that it always will be too far away, you'll never reach it. But imagine it, the impossible things in your life, a house, a car, that dream job or even those dream grades in exams, sat there in front of you. They can be there if you set your mind to it.

Now I'm not saying you're going to get all that stuff by just the right mindset. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to achieve those dreams and impossibilities. But you put in the work and you keep focused, you'll get there, and you'll love it when you're there.

A good friend of mine Ben Tarbuck said to me a few years ago "Aaron, a few years down the line, you'll be in a place that you'd never think you'd be in. You just have to work at it." and you know what...I look back now and think 'How on earth have I gotten here?'

Don't stop the impossible becoming possible

(@Mr_Aaron_B Twitter)