Thursday 16 June 2011

Social media and you.

Those who know me will know that I love facts. So as I'm talking about social media, here are a few.

Facebook has over 500 million active users world wide.
And each user has on average 130 friends and produces around 90 pieces of content a month.
Facebook also has over 30 million active users in the UK alone, that's half of the population.
And people spend over 700 billion minutes on Facebook each month which works out at 1.3 million years a month.
Twitter currently has 106 million users worldwide and that number increases by around 300,000 each day.

So I guess what you get from all that is that social media is powerful.

What I'm going to talk about in this post is how to use your social media for the good not the bad.
I currently manage 7 groups on Facebook, and 4 accounts on Twitter and on each of those groups and accounts you'll never see one bit of negativity, toward people or towards myself.

The social media is such a big tool, use it in the right way and you can open so many doors and create a world of opportunities. But use it in the wrong way and you can land yourself in a heap of trouble, you only have to turn on your TV so see Jeremy Kyle having people shout at him 'she said this on facebook' or 'he liked this' or even look at the news where recently people have been jailed and fired because of the things they post.

The entertainment media has a strong influence on the social media, especially on the users. People are told not to take rubbish from people, which is fair enough, but just because someone says something about you or does something to you doesn't mean you should go and start ripping into them on the sites, that's not why they were created.

I guess what I'm trying to put across is that if you do use social media, use it for the positive, but use it throughout everything you use. Don't go on Twitter and be all positive and wise then go on Facebook and rip into people and claim that it's different...because it isn't...negativity is still negativity.

Social media was created for people to connect and talk from all corners on the earth as if they were sat across the room, it wasn't made for people to moan, cry and whinge about other people. We were all put on this earth for a positive reason, don't be the one to ruin that.

If you want some good examples of people who do nothing but spread positivity follow these guys on Twitter @Mr_Aaron_B @dannywith @davebelfield @bentarbuck @sjonesuk they know how it's done

Keep it real and keep it positive.

(@Mr_Aaron_B Twitter)