Friday 20 May 2011

A new way forward - Change your family

So, I've been asked too write about changing your family for the better, and being the pioneer in your family, well, that's what i plan too do. First, we need to know what being a Pioneer is...So here goes.
My View on being a Pioneer is being a Leader, someone who points people in the right direction, personally, I think that's great, being able too show lead someone and be able too be there guide. Anybody can be your Pioneer, but you want someone you can trust, someone you can rely on. You want someone who can lead you. We all have that potential in us, but we need too let it out, to prove it too someone.
Now Leading your Family, it's always difficult too lead someone in a completely different direction too the way they were going. I think that you should just be there, no matter how difficult the situation is, It's hard, nobody said it'd be easy, but it's a commitment you've made, and I guess, it's one you can't just put down and just pick up were you left off.
Now, putting them both together, well that's the tricky bit...But..It's not impossible, you can do it. I have, well, I'm trying to. I think really that we need to believe that we can do it. Not just think we can. I remember one of my friends told me once, "What mind thinks thinks, your body will follow" But really, I disagree with this. I think it is "What your Heart believes your mind will follow."
Don't be scared to make the change.
(Twitter @Nikitaa_Marie)