Wednesday 11 May 2011

A new way forward - What's your mentality?

Before you carry on reading watch this video the rest of this post is going to be based around it.

Watched it? Good. This whole post is based around this video.
A quote from the video says this 'It ain't about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward' 'That's how winning is done'. In that quote is the mentality of a pioneer, no matter how hard things get, you keep going, you don't stop, you look to the future and you taste the reward at the end and you get up and keep going.

That mentality is a winning mentality it'll take you forward. I'm not saying your going to develop that mentality overnight (you might do I don't know), it takes time to develop a mentality, you have to work it into our daily life, make it who you are.

There's always a big thing around mentality and it seems to be that our generation and our nation has the mentality of 'it's only going to get worse, so what's the point' that's the sort of thing talked about in the video, that is the mentality that life craves, you allow life to beat you down and keep you there. You develop the victim mentality, you begin to think ' I've had the worst done to me why should I keep going' but that's the entire reason to keep going, you've had the worst done to you.

A big part of the mentality of a pioneer is that winning bounce back mentality. Richard Branson for example suffered from dyslexia and dropped out of high school at sixteen with poor academic results. But did he let any of this stop him, not a chance he bounced back and started a business at sixteen which lead to the empire that is Virgin and has made him the 5th richest man in the UK. He saw his future, had the mentality to do and went out and got it.

As I wrap up this rather short post as I wanted the video to do the talking. All I wanted to say is that the right mentality will take you anywhere.

Thanks for reading

(Twitter @Mr_Aaron_B)

P.S. Look out for posts from new bloggers coming soon, they'll be continuing this 'A new way forward' topic so keep your eyes peeled.