Wednesday 4 May 2011

A new way forward - Change your perspective.

Right here we go. I've not written a post in a while so if it's rubbishly formatted I'm sorry but you should get the general gist of what I'm saying, if not read it again. So changing perspective, it's a tough thing to do in this world of ever changing opinions, for example; One news station may give an opinion a story which you agree with as where another news station may give a completely different view that you also agree with and you feel torn between the two. Well this is kinda what this post is all about, a great way to start to change your own perspective is to stop looking from other peoples, looking at an issue from only one side is going to give you a biased opinion. Looking at any situation, event or issue from someone else's point of view is a very dangerous thing, it leaves you wide open to mistrust, disrespect and destructive criticism. You should always look at things from your own point of view, don't be influenced by negative and destructive views of others, keep focused on your own view, your own perspective. Own perspective is fundamental to a pioneer. You see you can't be a true pioneer with someone else's perspective because perspective provides vision and vision tells to where to go. Having someone else's perspective means that you also have their vision. Now I'm not necessarily saying that that is a bad thing, in church for example you need to follow your senior leaders vision but also need to make it your own. Most pioneers didn't just imagine a new way (some did but I'll get to that soon) they had input throughout thier life, they sought teaching's from previous pioneers, leaders and influencers. But these pioneers didn't just take in the teachings and apply them, they took it further, they had the mentallity that 'where we are isn't enough, we've got to go further' and they did, they took an idea/cultures/futures and ran with it. Bill Gates one of the world's richest and most influencial men saw a future where the computer came out of the science lab and into peoples homes and everyday lifes, he saw that future and he grabbed it with both hands and ran with it. He had a vision, he had his own perspective and through that he changed the world forever. Can you imagine if he saw that vision and just said 'nahh it's too much effort' can you actually imagine your life without computers, I probably wouldn't be writing this nor you be reading it. The scary thing is the mentality of 'nahh it's too much effort' is quickly growing in our generation and threating the future of our world, our generation needs to re-evaluate our perspective and insure the future of the next generation.

Thanks for reading