Friday 20 May 2011

A new way forward - Change your family

So, I've been asked too write about changing your family for the better, and being the pioneer in your family, well, that's what i plan too do. First, we need to know what being a Pioneer is...So here goes.
My View on being a Pioneer is being a Leader, someone who points people in the right direction, personally, I think that's great, being able too show lead someone and be able too be there guide. Anybody can be your Pioneer, but you want someone you can trust, someone you can rely on. You want someone who can lead you. We all have that potential in us, but we need too let it out, to prove it too someone.
Now Leading your Family, it's always difficult too lead someone in a completely different direction too the way they were going. I think that you should just be there, no matter how difficult the situation is, It's hard, nobody said it'd be easy, but it's a commitment you've made, and I guess, it's one you can't just put down and just pick up were you left off.
Now, putting them both together, well that's the tricky bit...But..It's not impossible, you can do it. I have, well, I'm trying to. I think really that we need to believe that we can do it. Not just think we can. I remember one of my friends told me once, "What mind thinks thinks, your body will follow" But really, I disagree with this. I think it is "What your Heart believes your mind will follow."
Don't be scared to make the change.
(Twitter @Nikitaa_Marie)

Wednesday 11 May 2011

A new way forward - What's your mentality?

Before you carry on reading watch this video the rest of this post is going to be based around it.

Watched it? Good. This whole post is based around this video.
A quote from the video says this 'It ain't about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward' 'That's how winning is done'. In that quote is the mentality of a pioneer, no matter how hard things get, you keep going, you don't stop, you look to the future and you taste the reward at the end and you get up and keep going.

That mentality is a winning mentality it'll take you forward. I'm not saying your going to develop that mentality overnight (you might do I don't know), it takes time to develop a mentality, you have to work it into our daily life, make it who you are.

There's always a big thing around mentality and it seems to be that our generation and our nation has the mentality of 'it's only going to get worse, so what's the point' that's the sort of thing talked about in the video, that is the mentality that life craves, you allow life to beat you down and keep you there. You develop the victim mentality, you begin to think ' I've had the worst done to me why should I keep going' but that's the entire reason to keep going, you've had the worst done to you.

A big part of the mentality of a pioneer is that winning bounce back mentality. Richard Branson for example suffered from dyslexia and dropped out of high school at sixteen with poor academic results. But did he let any of this stop him, not a chance he bounced back and started a business at sixteen which lead to the empire that is Virgin and has made him the 5th richest man in the UK. He saw his future, had the mentality to do and went out and got it.

As I wrap up this rather short post as I wanted the video to do the talking. All I wanted to say is that the right mentality will take you anywhere.

Thanks for reading

(Twitter @Mr_Aaron_B)

P.S. Look out for posts from new bloggers coming soon, they'll be continuing this 'A new way forward' topic so keep your eyes peeled.

Friday 6 May 2011

A new way forward - Change your school.

School's we all hate them one way and love them in another. However you see school there is no doubt what so ever that they are essential. The doctor that finds the cure to cancer, the engineer that pushes the boundaries of travel, the political leader that brings about world peace are in or will be in schools across the world.

You may be thinking ' if school has got all these great future people in it, why do we need to change it?' well the answer to that is simple, the potential is there, but the way this generation is heading that potential will never be released, we'll never be the generation we're called to be. In the bible it states that if we do not fulfil the calling God has given us, we will be replaced. I don't know about you but I don't want to be replaced, I want to fulfil my purpose set out for me.

Schools are where dreams are made, planned out, set into motion. It seemed to me at my time in high school that everyone had their dream job, house, car, wife set out, they seemed to have it all figured out. And then you had me, sat there just plodding along through my time at school, not making a difference, I didn't have a dream job, I knew what I would be interested in doing but never thought I'd ever be able to get anywhere near it. All in all I felt kinda hopeless in high school, people didn't know the true me and made things up to hide it (I was hiding being a christian just for clarity). And I guess for quite a while after leaving school I still thought of my dream/ would love to do job too far away and it was only after I'd had a good chat with a friend of mine that I decided to go for it and it was all because he said 'What good is dreaming if they're too far away'

So now lets get to it. Why change your school? well that's up to you really but if you think about it this way, all those influential people sat in school it's a perfect opportunity to be a pioneer, all pioneers start by learning, if you read the last post I explained that pioneers don't just think of a new way out of the blue it's put together over a period of time from teachings by leaders. I guess what I'm basically trying to say is that there are pioneers in your school and you are one of them, your called to forge new grounds for people to follow.

Being a pioneer doesn't necessarily mean your a leader, pioneers have forged a new way and it has been years before anyone has taken that path but don't let that discourage you, just because no one is following you now doesn't mean they won't. Leadership develops over time and comes with maturity.

I guess what I'm trying to say as I rap this up is that you need to make a new way in your school, college or university, you need to bring change and release the true potential in our generation.

Thanks for reading

(Twitter: @Mr_Aaron_B)

P.S. New Generation are an amazing group dedicated to help bringing change to schools through you. Take a look on their website or check them out on Facebook or Twitter. @NewGenerationUK!/group.php?gid=2220179092

Also don't forget to check out another of my blogs your just gonna be stoked about it.

One more thing, I'd like to give a massive shout out to my good friend Nikita Withington who's rather ill at the moment but still determined to champion a new way in her school...keep it up Lil sis.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Just a quick thing

I've started a new blog as a side runner to this one which is basically for answering life questions you have. Take a look

A new way forward - Change your perspective.

Right here we go. I've not written a post in a while so if it's rubbishly formatted I'm sorry but you should get the general gist of what I'm saying, if not read it again. So changing perspective, it's a tough thing to do in this world of ever changing opinions, for example; One news station may give an opinion a story which you agree with as where another news station may give a completely different view that you also agree with and you feel torn between the two. Well this is kinda what this post is all about, a great way to start to change your own perspective is to stop looking from other peoples, looking at an issue from only one side is going to give you a biased opinion. Looking at any situation, event or issue from someone else's point of view is a very dangerous thing, it leaves you wide open to mistrust, disrespect and destructive criticism. You should always look at things from your own point of view, don't be influenced by negative and destructive views of others, keep focused on your own view, your own perspective. Own perspective is fundamental to a pioneer. You see you can't be a true pioneer with someone else's perspective because perspective provides vision and vision tells to where to go. Having someone else's perspective means that you also have their vision. Now I'm not necessarily saying that that is a bad thing, in church for example you need to follow your senior leaders vision but also need to make it your own. Most pioneers didn't just imagine a new way (some did but I'll get to that soon) they had input throughout thier life, they sought teaching's from previous pioneers, leaders and influencers. But these pioneers didn't just take in the teachings and apply them, they took it further, they had the mentallity that 'where we are isn't enough, we've got to go further' and they did, they took an idea/cultures/futures and ran with it. Bill Gates one of the world's richest and most influencial men saw a future where the computer came out of the science lab and into peoples homes and everyday lifes, he saw that future and he grabbed it with both hands and ran with it. He had a vision, he had his own perspective and through that he changed the world forever. Can you imagine if he saw that vision and just said 'nahh it's too much effort' can you actually imagine your life without computers, I probably wouldn't be writing this nor you be reading it. The scary thing is the mentality of 'nahh it's too much effort' is quickly growing in our generation and threating the future of our world, our generation needs to re-evaluate our perspective and insure the future of the next generation.

Thanks for reading

A new way forward.

This is the start of new series of blogs I'm going to be writing about being a pioneer in both your own life and the world. This series is aimed at how you can pioneer a new way in your family, school, workplace etc. There will be different titles to the series but keep an eye out for them as there going to be good.