Friday 11 March 2011

Where is the love?

We live in a world of the mentality 'look out for number one' a world that would rather beat you down than build you up. There are countless groups and organisations that all about random acts of kindness and being loving people. But it doesn't start with a group or an organisation telling you about it, it doesn't even start with this blog, it starts with you...and only you. To love people and love the world it starts in your heart, it starts with you truly looking at the world and thinking to yourself 'I truly love this world'. The love for the world is in you. If you look at people and look at their lives, there is the love in there, its just become in tangled and hidden by the everyday slog that is life. But the true challenge is bringing out that love, untangle it from everything in your world that is holding it down. In 1 Timothy 1:5 (MSG) (yes I have used this text before but its so freaking good) it says ' The whole point of what we’re urging is simply love—love uncontaminated by self-interest and counterfeit faith, a life open to God.' now I'm not necessarily saying you have to be a christian and open your entire life up to God for this text to apply to you, because you don't all you have to do is do right what it says at the start 'simply love' all I ask of you if you are reading this is that you love, now I know what your thinking 'eeww love, that's well wierd' well yes it is, love is wierd but then again so are alot of things, for example techno trance music from the philipeans is wierd but it makes up what it is to be human and so does love, its apart of us. The media whether it be social or general will always tell you that the world is a dangerous place and it cannot be trusted and you should hate the world, ignore what they tell you 9 times out of 10 its a load of rubbish (now I just want to make a point that although I said ignore what the media says about you not trusting the world, do listen to it abit, don't leave your car unlocked with the keys inside and trust the world that'll be there in the morning because the chances are it won't be, love is trusting but it's not stupid) the media have in a way taken over the way we think about people and even the way we act, we become suspicious of every person we meet, we think that they're somekind of criminal who is going to kill you, when in actual fact they could be someone who is in desperate need of help and in need of someone who loves people (again just to clarify don't go around hugging every person you see because you think they might need it, people have been put in prison for that) but see the world for what it really is. Sure it's got it's problems but problems are there to be solved. Love comes from the heart.

Inspired by the song 'Where is the love by the Black Eyed Peas 2005'
Music video link