Thursday 10 March 2011

Love People

Loving people. To love people doesn't mean you have to be with them 24/7. It simply means to care for them, give your time to them. People are apart of our lives, their our family, our friends, our work colleages, our governments and we are infact people ourselves. We often see people at face value and never really think of what's deeper under the skin than what we see. Matthew 22 it talks about loving god and loving people and keeping them in the fundamentals of your life, keeping them in everything you do. If you walk into a workplace that is entirely profit centred its going to be full of people that are profit centred and only focus on getting ahead, as where if you walk into a workplace that is people centred your going to meet people that are all about people and the moving forward of people. If you truely think about it people make the world go around (now you may be sat there thinking, well obviously they do, without people there would be nothing) but the world can still function with people who are focused on doing the job at hand, as where people who's lives are about people not only get the job done but incorporate people into the job, they bring people in and they build them up, train them, make them about people. All in all people are awesome, random, annoying at times, wierd and wonderful. But thats what makes us human. Thats what makes us people.

Inspired by a series of 121's with Ben Tarbuck (@bentarbuck twitter)