Tuesday 22 March 2011

Get Real. The three points of passion, point 2

The second point of passion is love, now I know I go on a lot about love but it is key to our everyday living, love and passion go hand in hand so much so that the dictionary describes love as a form of passion. Now as I have said in previous posts love does make the world go around, the world cannot function without love people would feel hopeless. Anyway love and passion, to love people (not in like a family, relationship or stalker kind of way) is an extension of your heart, you really have to have a passion to love people, you can't really go around saying that you love people and that people are your heart when their really the last thing you care about. It has to come from the heart and I mean from the deepest depths of your heart, you can't just love people a little bit, it's all or nothing. Love is a very strong word, providing you mean it. I've seen so many relationships where one person has said they love the other over and over again but there's been no heart behind it just empty words and those relationships have fallen through and either side has come out the other side in pieces. Words are so powerful, they can make or break you. For example, if you say to someone your going to do something for them and then don't do it, your gonna lose the respect of that person. Love is the most complicated point of the three to talk about as its a never ending subject. I guess what I'm trying to some up in this is that love is probably the most important point of passion, love and passion are tied together they are effectively the same thing. Just remember that you have to truly mean it before you can say it.