Wednesday 9 March 2011

If not us? Who? If not now? When?

If not us? Who? who will if we don't? We are called to be the generation that leaves a mark, makes a difference, inflicts social change. Our generation is made up of the future doctors, politicians, chefs, sporting legends, scientists, astronauts, world leaders so with that, who says we can't make a difference, who says we can't change the world we live in. We are not the future of our nation, we are the nation, already we are impacting the way our nation functions. People won't change themselves, people are always influenced by the next big thing. Media and social media have controlled the way society works for years by telling people what to belive, what to wear, what to eat and how to look. What mark will you leave? What will people remember you for? Do you want to be the person that is remembered for being negative, demeaning or discouraging or do you want to be the person everyone remembers for being positve, passionate, happy, encouraging and loving? Live and love life.

Inspired by a tweet from @JoelWithington "I will not leave this world the same!"